Tuesday, November 19, 2013

27 things I remember about you...

1.  I remember the day you were born, in our matching gowns we held you.
2.  I remember the ditch in the backyard where you played ninja turtles with Chris.
3.  I remember your stick straight blonde hair, that didn't last long.
4.  I remember watching you play hockey for 11 years.
5.  I remember getting dressed up in our red and gold best to watch Chris play football, then you doing the same.
6.  I remember taping homemade episodes of jerry springer while mom and dad were at hockey games.
7.  I remember when you got Nick for christmas, how special your relationship was.
8.  I remember when your hair got curly, such a proud moment for me.
9.  I remember when we all rode bikes together as kids, wearing our interchangeable homemade helmet 'skins'.
10.  I remember the countless number of VW shows we went to, fueling our fire and love for our cars.
11.  I remember watching you play baseball and eating frito banditos.
12.  I remember every camping trip we ever went on, those were the best.
13.  I remember hours spent jumping on the trampoline.
14.  I remember when the acres behind the big blue church were just dirt, no school, no development, just a wide expanse of dirt jumps for our bikes.
15.  I remember going to Betty's, swimming lessons, bologna sandwiches and always fun.
16.  I remember shopping at St. Vincent de Paul for your church camp theme outfits.
17.  I remember how much you loved spending time with your cousin Justin.
18.  I remember swinging on grandpas tree swing and cardboard slides down the tall grass.
19.  I remember..."BK, you TURKEY!"
20.  I remember touring around Seattle, pictures at the troll, gasworks and cap hill.
21.  I remember the day you left us like it was yesterday.
22.  I remember how you showed me how to channel my pain into loving teens.
23.  I remember how I've felt you laughing every time I've pooped my pants in the last 10 years.
24.  I remember how much my heart has ached daily when I think about how much I miss you.
25.  I remember all the times you have shown your face over the last 10 years, always when I least expect it and in the most flagrant of ways.
26.  I remember how much you make me laugh and how you remind me to not worry about what other people think.
27.  I remember how beautiful your 16 years of life were.

Happy 27th Birthday Bret Kyle.  You bring me life and love.

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