Though it's time to admit that I cheated, I came into this wanting honesty and seeking realness inside myself. I caved yesterday, in the midst of me being ready to quit, I ate a piece of chocolate. It tasted SOOOOOOOOO good! Just one little square of Dove (you know I went for quality if I was gonna cheat). But I'm not really disappointed in myself. I haven't eaten a thing in almost 72 hours, so I feel good about it. I contemplated for a long time before I ate it, so I know it wasn't just an impulse thing that I shoved it in my mouth. I savored the flavor and went back to my lemonade. And again today, I ate another, but back to my lemonade.
I'm feeling really good about this process, I realize it's only been 3 days, and there are 362 left in this year, so my tune will change, probably quite a bit. But today I feel good and I'm going to embrace that.
I bought myself a little pocket workout calendar to keep track of my workouts, to stay true and committed to myself. I have walked the last three days with Pete for 45+ minutes. Last night, got home from work at 8:30 and I was not about to go walking. I told myself, 'hey, I'll just walk extra long tomorrow'. But I've told myself that a million times and I have NOT followed through about a million and one times. So, I went. That's right, I got my ass up, changed into my raincoat, hitched up Pete and we went out and walked until almost 10pm. It felt great! Unfortunately, when I came home, my amazing fiancé had decided to bring home fried chicken and krispy kremes. Seriously, what an ass****?! I was pissed and hungry at that point. He definitely felt bad as I told him what an unsupportive jerk he was, and his remorse was in full force. He removed all food from the living room and allowed me to get some food free downtime in before bed. I awoke this morning to Pete whimpering at the bed ready for his walk. He's getting used to this, which is good, I want him to expect a walk from me everyday. Walking is gonna be my thing this year, I'm gonna walk it out as long as I have to to get this weight off.
The Masters Cleanse is not going to take me to 7 days. I have committed to the cleanse now until my cleanse supply runs out. So, if my lemons run out or that maple syrup runs out, I'm out. I want to say I'm strong enough to go 7 days, but a this point in my journey, I'm not. This cleanse will happen for me one once a month for a year, so later in this journey I'm hoping I can take it on 7-10 days, but this time, 5 will probably be the max.
This is gonna be hard, I'm being honest. I love food...
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