Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Day 16: Snow Snow Snow Snow Snow!!!

Today has been crazy in all the right ways!!! Yesterday it snowed enough for the schools to only be in session for 1.5 hours. We took kids to school late and picked em up early. Parents came early to get home so we could all prepare for one of the biggest storms Seattle has seen in a while. Really? I've heard that before an nothing happened.

I went to bed early like a good little girl in hopes that it would be bright and white out when I woke up. The schools decided to close up last night so I knew I wouldn't be going to work today. I ate some of my delicious crock pot concoction that I dreamed up the day before, it was amazing and will feed me for the next week!! Chock full of veggies and protein. I didn't get out to walk the dog the last two days, too cold and too much to do. I did go for a short walk with him yesterday and shoveled the walk. I had myself a tiny bowl of ice cream last night and it was amazing!! Enough to satiate me and I felt good about the control I had over it.

When I did awake this morning the snow had come!!!!! We had about 4+ inches, which is really nothing, but to us it was huge to this city. Started the day with a cup of coffee and some of my delicious banana mini muffins. I tried to do some work, but my remote desktop was soooo slow that I couldn't handle it. So I bundled up and went out to shovel the walk. I got some before and after photos for you, but it was no joke. The freezing rain started as I was shoveling. Damn, it was cold!! I was sweating though cause it was hard work. After shoveling I decided that it was time for that walk. It was beautiful out and we had heard people cheering and screaming all day. Sounded like a football game and I wanted I check it out. I grabbed Pete and booted up. There were about 200 UW students and neighborhood families sledding down one of the closed streets. They had built a jump in the middle and were hooting and hollering when someone wiped out. It was great to watch!!

I headed on from there and totaled about 5 miles on this snowventure. I walked about 2 miles uphill. I realized that I was about 5 blocks from my favorite donut shop. I decided, hey, I've been working my butt off today outside and freezing my tookis off! So I got myself a donut and told myself I could eat it later or tomorrow when I felt like I deserved it even more. There were a lot of people out and about today. Cross country skiing, snowshoeing, adults building snow caves and plenty of other funny things. My toes somehow got wet and were freezing in my boots. I made it through more freezing rain and finally made it home to thaw out after a quick stop at the grocery store.

I realized something today. The more I sleep, the less I eat. It's true what they say, weight loss is encouraged by more sleep. When I'm rested I feel less stressed and less likely to stuff my face with shit food. These last few days haw shown me that. My body feels good again too. I have been working hard at pumping it with fruit veggies and protein. Trying to stay away from carb and sugar loaded foods. My workouts had been limited to walking this week. Not sure that deciding to hike in the month of January was the best idea. You think I'd be smart enough to realize this is WINTER!!! So hopefully the weather gods will have mercy and grant us some good weekends coming up. Loving the snow, but hoping that soon I can get back to the pool!!

After I survived the frozen wonderland today I got home to defrost. I took of my cold wet clothes and discovered my wet foot was HOT PINK!! I didn't want to jump in the shower and shock it, I knew that would be painful. So I sat in front of the heater and then my food turned purple!!! WITH SPOTS!!! Ahhhhh!!!! I freaked out for a bit and then my foot went back to pink and is now almost thawed. I felt an even more swelled sense of pride that I returned with a war wound and that I had hoofed my fat behind 5 MILES IN THE SNOW!! I'm awesome, you all should know that.

I was so enthralled with snow activities that I forgot to eat. More proof that sleep and an active lifestyle prevents boredom and emotional eating. My man is realizing that I am actually serious about this life changing journey and has been great about getting things I should eat this week. He laughed when I was the one who brought the donuts home today. He made me a small piece of salmon and a tiny portion of cheesy noodles. Because I have been so good today and I have lots of points left we are gonna snow plow up to the fancy Italian place up the street for dinner. They have great this crust gourmet pizza and I'm ready for it.

It's all about integrating things you love into life. Just in moderation and only every one and awhile. Now let's see if I can remember that myself.

Tata for now, I'm off to a shower and some pizza !!! Enjoy the days photos...

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