Today the food gods were out to get me, tempting me to fail at every turn. They were tempting me in the sense that my morning was filled with so much frustration and emotion that would normally send me to the pastry counter. I got an amazing chance to sleep in today, but got myself up and ready to get out of the house, I had errands to get done and though it was my day off, I needed to be at work this afternoon. I awoke to a completely plugged tub drain. Somehow the drain clogged itself overnight and there was nasty water floating in the tub. I NEED a shower in the morning to get my day going. After calling the handyman to come take a look, I packed my bag and resigned to shower at work. Showering at work is not my favorite thing, especially because the only shower is in the mens restroom and the bathroom smells like pee. Boys are gross in the bathroom, I have proof. Left the house in a huff with a large glass of ice water and my apple. Got to the car and found a parking ticket adorning my windshield. If you have ever heard of a 'zone parking violation', you know my pain and my complete anger at the ridiculousness of this ticket. It will be fought, mark my words. At this point I was ready to toss the apple and head straight to the McDonalds drive through for a sausage biscuit and a hash brown. But instead, I sunk my teeth into that apple and told myself how amazing it was. The other task I had on my plate was to get my emissions test done on my beamer so that I could renew my tabs that are now two weeks expired. I headed to emissions, expecting to be in and out. I got there, got right in and then they plugged me in and my report printed out. The results.....FAIL. Seriously? My 2004 bmw failed emissions??? I was beyond livid. Another expense to add to my plate and now an even more delayed tab renewal. I was ready to hit up my favorite bakery, Besalu and get myself a ham and gruyere pastry, but instead I compromised and got myself a latte and dropped my donations off at Goodwill. Made it to work, got my shower and the day started to look up from there.
Snacked on some Food Should Taste Good Multigrain chips, a banana pancake from my kiddos at work and another ice cold glass of water. I got a TON of things accomplished at work this afternoon and had a nice surprise visit from our licensor. After my amazing shower in the mens room I noticed something, my clothes. Today, they fit different, today, they fit better. I feel thinner today, it feels good. I headed out with my usual Thursday crew to family dinner and enjoyed half an order of chicken fajitas. Any other week I would have eaten the entire order, but today, I stopped myself, why?, because I was FULL. I wasn't stuffed, I was just full, which is where I need to stop myself. After dinner I immediately wanted something sweet and surprisingly resisted the urge for a drive through sundae. I thought to myself, after I get home, if I'm still craving it, I will go back out and get one. Told myself this, knowing there was no way I would go back out just for a sundae once I got comfy at home.
For the second night in a row, the arctic blast has surrounded Seattle and there was in my mind no way I could go back out to walk my little man. Though my big man was home when I got there and I also knew there was no way I was going to Zumba it out in front of him. So, I bundled up, packed some panic poo wipes for any type of emergency I may come across, and hit the streets. Today I committed to a 50 minute walk. So I stretched part of my normal route and toured more of the UW campus. I realized a few things out on my walk today. I love walking. If walking was the only workout I did during this journey I would be happy, especially since my first love of swimming isn't free like walking is. Secondly, I love my shadow. Have you ever looked at your shadow? I find myself, especially when I'm out walking at night, getting excited to pass businesses and street lights because I get to admire my shadow. My shadow is always so slim and sleek, nothing shakes and wiggles and I just look like a better version of myself. Maybe it's because I'm dressed all in black and I'm stretched out. But dang girl, that shadow is hot and I love seeing her looking back at me. Lastly, my brother was definitely walking with me tonight. At first I didn't see him, but he made sure I knew he was there. How did I know? Well if you know anything about the Soike's you know we love two things, ok well, volkswagens and dogs. I can't remember a time when we didn't have all three of those things in our lives. If you know anything about volkswagens, and I don't mean passats and jettas, I mean REAL VWs, you know the purr of their rubber band engines anywhere. In a one mile section of my walk tonight, I heard the hum of not one, not two, not three, but FOUR volkswagens. All old buses, definitely one of our favorites. I finally saw my brother with me when the third one passed, it was no coincidence. I said 'hey Kyle' out loud to him as I walked down the street and then the fourth one passed, this one with dog paw stickers all over the back window. I love moments when I see him and know he's with me. To know he's with me and encouraging me helps me know I'm headed in the right direction. On my last stretch of route before hitting the front door Pete and I passed the scene of the crime from the other night. I am happy to report that I was panic free on this walk, surprising as I had just finished a meal of Mexican food.
Hitting the streets again in the morning with my walking partner, hoping for a real shower tomorrow and nothing but great things ahead for the weekend.
A weigh in, hiking, walking, swimming? and of course, food. Why? Cause I love it.
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